Service Description: Often, when we talk about the challenges of our society, like addiction and homelessness, we find our minds judging those most affected.But what if we look beyond the conditions and instead work to understand the causes that lead to the natural human response to causes of despair, harm, and woundedness caused by a world that sometimes becomes more than we can bear?
Worship Team: Phyllis Havens, Guest Speaker Laurie Cartier, Worship Associate Keri Phipps, Logistics Coordinator Atticus Foster, AVS Tech Rissa Moore, Devin Ross, Hiroshi Shimko, & LInda Smith Koehler, Music
Chalice Lighting: “Light of Our Creative Spirit” by Tracy Johnson
Time for All Ages: The Other Way to Listen by Byrd Baylor & Peter Farnall
Reading: “The Symphony of Life” by Douglas Taylor
Hymns: 352 “Find a Stillness” 413 “Now Go in Peace” 1024 “When the Spirit Says Do”
Music: “Czardas” by Vittorio Monti “Berceuse” by BJ Rosco “When We Made the Music” by Linda Smith Koehler