Service Description: Join us for a fun-filled service where we celebrate Feeding the Flames of our Faith through our financial support for next year’s budget. Special music, slide show, story, and more!
Worship Team: Rev. Andrew Moeller, Settled Minister Kayla Worthington Strong, Guest Speaker Phyllis Havens, Worship Associate Sue McKay, Logistics Coordinator Atticus Foster, AVS Tech Sojourner Crowley, Music Director & Pianist
Centering: “Call to Worship” by Leslie Takahashi
Chalice Lighting: “May the Flame Burn True & High & Strong” by Beatrice Hitchcock
Time for All Ages: Stone Soup (European Folk Story)
Hymns: 1028 “The Fire of Commitment”
Music: “Wouldn’t It Be Loverly” tune by Marni Nixon “Why We Sing” by Greg Gilpin