Dinner Anywhere in the World Raffle Begins October 1st!
Yes, the UUSB will be hosting a MEGA raffle this fall.
Other UU churches have been able to pull this off successfully and now it’s time for us!
Each ticket will be just $20 and only 1,000 tickets will be sold.
Raffle starts on October 1st and will run until December 7th (Saturday) with the drawing at 6:30 pm at the church. You need not be present to win.
The winner gets a dinner for up to two people anywhere in the world, airfare to the location, and overnight accommodations for the travelers.
Full details are available at:
( please copy the URL & paste in a new window or tab)
Value of the prize? Up to $5,000
Imagine dinner on the Seine in Paris (see below)
Or perhaps a 7-course dinner at Île Flottante in Montreal
Or Sausage and mash at the Philharmonic in Liverpool and imagine hearing the Beatles playing there back in the ‘60s
We’re going to need everyone’s help selling those tickets, so start thinking about who you want to share this great opportunity with.
One Comment on “Dinner Anywhere in the World Raffle Begins October 1st!”
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Tom Bickford
October 8, 2019 at 12:38 pm /I’m imagining dinner and lodging on a boat on the Seine in France. Perhaps cruising up and down the river and taking in the sights! I understand there are some excellent gluten free patisseries in Paris!