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From Rt 95, Exit 185:

Broadway to Center St. for just under 1 mile. Turn slight left onto Somerset, then slight right onto Park St. Church is on the right. 

From Downtown
From Main St., turn right onto Hammond St, then left onto Harlow. Turn right onto Center St. and drive straight up the hill. Turn right, almost a U-turn, onto Park St. Church will be on the right.


On Street Parking:
There is free on-street parking on both sides of Park Street. This parking is limited to 2-hours on weekdays, but is unlimited on weekends and after 5:00 PM.

Parking Lots:
The nearest parking lot is on Harlow St., across from the Bangor Public Library. This lot offers paid parking on weekdays and free parking on weekends. There is a machine to pay in person electronically.

More Parking Info:
For more information on parking in Downtown Bangor or anywhere else, you can check out the Bangor Parking website.


From Rt 95:
Broadway to Center St. for just under 1 mile. Turn slight left onto Somerset, then slight right onto Park St. Church is on right- Can park on both sides of the road on Sundays.

From Downtown
From Main St, turn right onto Hammond St, then left onto Harlow/Park St. Turn right and drive straight up the hill. Church will be on left.

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