Service Description: To simplify life, we often reduce our interactions with the world to binary responses: Yes/No, True/False, Correct/Wrong, etc. How would the world look if we allowed for each decision an awareness that truth is always binary and that often new thinking and wisdom comes from experiencing the world from a place of creating or allowing space for the ‘AND’?
Worship Team: Rev. Andrew Moeller, Settled Minister Sue McKay, Worship Associate Phyllis Havens, Logistics Coordinator Atticus Foster, AVS Tech Rissa Moore, Pianist John Arimond, Special Music
Centering: “Waiting” by Marta I. Valentin
Chalice Lighting: “The Spiraling Unity of Years” by Leslie Takahashi
Time for All Ages: The Story of Ruby Bridges by Robert Coles
Reading: “Marginal Wisdom” by Lesli Takahashi Morris
Hymns: #346 “Come Sing a Song with Me” #1017 “Building a New Way”
Music: “Prelude Op. 11 No. 15” by “Title” by Alexander Scriabin “A Small, Still Voice” by Bob Franke