Worship Service – September 18, 2022
10:00 AM - 11:30 AM120 Park St, Bangor
~ To What We Belong ~
In our quest for spirituality and meaning, we are part of a community that helps us grow. We are also part of a larger community of sibling congregations and part of a liberal religious movement. Today our service will remind us of those connections and hear some updates on our congregation and the larger UU movement of which we are a part.
This service will be led by Rev. Drew Moeller with Sue McKay, Marcia Jordan, and Atticus Foster as our worship team.
Join the Zoom Meeting with meeting code 929 3818 4780 and passcode 606599.
Current COVID-19 Risk Level & Guidelines: Yellow
- Masking: Highly Recommended
- Singing: Allowed with Masks & 6′ Social Distancing
- Eating & Drinking: Allowed with Windows & Doors Opened for Ventilation
For those attending in person: Please be aware that we are sending a live feed to Zoom every Sunday. If you do not want to be in this live feed, please avoid the center of the sanctuary so you are not in view of the camera. After the service, we edit the recording to eliminate the Candles of Joys and Concerns and then we are posting the service to our Website. Please contact Laurie Cartier if you have any questions about our procedures.