Worship Service – September 17, 2023
Join Our UUSB Worship Experience
~ A Welcoming Spirit ~
Thank you to this week’s musicians: Molly J. Webster and Jack Derosier.
Thank you to our behind-the-scenes team: Atticus Foster.
Thank you to this week’s Fellowship Hour Team: Team B, led by Phyllis Havens.Join the Zoom Meeting with meeting code 928 3929 9142 and passcode 167727.
For those attending in person: Please be aware that we are sending a live feed to Zoom every Sunday. If you do not want to be in this live feed, please avoid the center of the sanctuary so you are not in view of the camera. After the service, we edit the recording to eliminate the Candles of Joys and Concerns and then we are posting the service to our Website. Please contact Laurie Cartier if you have any questions about our procedures.
For the most current CDC recommendations relating to COVID-19, please visit their website.
This month, half of the undesignated funds in our plate collection will go to support the Hemophilia Alliance of Maine (HAM). HAM aims to advocate on behalf of people with bleeding disorders, as well as helping people advocate on behalf of themselves or loved ones. They also work to educate Maine’s care providers on bleeding disorders and assist people in receiving the care they need. HAM works throughout New England as part of the New England Bleeding Disorders Coalition, to help empower all New England communities with tools, training, and resources.
In August, we were able to give $181 to our food security programs from our plate.