Worship Service – October 17, 2021
10:00 AM - 11:30 AMZoom
~ Avoiding the Tough Stuff: The Search for Better Health ~
With all the focus in our society on physical health, we continue to struggle to recognize, accept, and support mental health as an important part of our well-being. Today Rev. Greg Bridges-Music, chaplain and mental health clinician at Acadia Hospital, will join us to talk about mental health and the role houses of worship can play to support people who are struggling with mental illness.
This service will be led by Rev. Drew Moeller and Rev. Greg Bridges-Music, with Phyllis Havens as our worship associate, Jennifer Rodriguez as our Zoom tech, and music provided by Molly J. Webster.
Grab a coffee and get comfy with our comm-UU-nity!
After the service, there will be break out groups for Fellowship Hour.
To join our service, please sign up for our newsletter on our Facebook page or by emailing uubangor@gmail.com