Worship Service – November 29, 2020
10:00 AM - 11:30 AMZoom
Our overall monthly theme this November is Healing, and as this Sunday is after Thanksgiving, and a very different holiday it will have indeed been for all of us, we pause to reflect on Grace and the nature of Resilience in difficult times. What does it mean for us to be grateful, move forward in grace, and persist with resilience to stay strong and whole.
This week’s service will be led by Phyllis Havens, with music will be provided by John Arimond, and Gail Bickford providing readings and reflections.
Grab a coffee and get comfy with
our comm-UU-nity!
After the service, there will be break out groups for Fellowship Hour.
To join this Zoom service, please contact the office at uubangor@gmail.com to be added to our newsletter or keep an eye out for our newsletter posted on the UUSB Facebook page on Thursday afternoons, with Sunday morning reminders at 9:00 AM on Sunday.