Worship Service – May 19, 2024
This Sunday @ 10:00 AM
Join Our UUSB Worship Experience
~ SEE Celebration ~
with UUSB’s Spiritual Explorers
with UUSB’s Spiritual Explorers
Join us as we hear from our young people and their teachers about their adventures this year Spiritual Exploration Experience.
Join the Zoom Meeting with meeting code 928 0292 267 and passcode 883648.
Please plan on staying after the service for our UUSB Annual Meeting where we will be electing council members and trustees, approving our 2025 budget, voting on our support for the newly proposed UUA Bylaw Changes and hearing the a report from out congregational survey team.
Every Sunday, we share half of our undesignated plate offerings with an organization that works toward our UU values. In May, half of the undesignated funds in the plate will go to Partners for Peace. Partners for Peace works to end domestic violence in Penobscot and Piscataquis Counties. They provide support, advocacy, and safety planning to anyone affected by domestic abuse. They foster safe and healthy relationships through prevention, education, and training. Together with our community, they recognize the nature of abuse, respond to it, and change the conditions which lead to it. You can learn more at www.partnersforpeaceme.org.

We have an option to give online through Vanco. You can give a one-time gift or set up your recurring pledge, by scanning the QR code to the right or visiting https://bit.ly/ 2x6uhaP. You can also find this option on our website, uubangor.org.