Worship Service – June 9, 2024
This Sunday @ 10:00 AM
Join Our UUSB Worship Experience
~ The Right Kind of Wrong ~
with Rev. Drew
with Rev. Drew
This Sunday, Rev. Drew will explore the wisdom of the book “The Right Kind of Wrong: The Science of Failing” by pioneering researcher of psychological safety and award-winning Harvard Business School professor Amy Edmondson. The service will explore the importance of failure as a means of learning and growth both as a society and in our personal and spiritual lives. Gayle and Joe Zydlewski, winners of the 2023 Auction bid, chose this profound topic for the worship service.
Join the Zoom Meeting with meeting code 984 9416 9076 and passcode 806600.
Every Sunday, we share half of our undesignated plate offerings with an organization that works toward our UU values. In June, half of the undesignated funds in the plate will go to the UUSB Food Programs. This includes the Bean Suppers that we host on the fourth, and fifth, Saturdays each month and our Bag Lunch program, to give lunches for those attending our Bean Suppers.

We have an option to give online through Vanco. You can give a one-time gift or set up your recurring pledge, by scanning the QR code to the right or visiting https://bit.ly/2x6uhaP. You can also find this option on our website, uubangor.org.