Worship Service – June 4, 2023
Please bring a flower, grown or purchased, to worship!
(We’ll have some extras for those who don’t bring one.)
This year marks the 100th anniversary of this beloved tradition that symbolizes and celebrates the beautiful diversity in community. At UUSB we will also celebrate and give thanks for the diverse gifts that leaders have offered all year long to the life and ministry of our community. A rainbow of flowers also helps us kick off Pride month with this celebration of human diversity, re-energizing our commitment to honor and protect the dignity of each human life, and LGBTQIA+ people in particular.
This service will be led by Rev. Rebecca Liberty with Sue McKay, Laurie Cartier, and Phyllis Havens as our worship team. Music will be provided by the UUSB Choir, Molly J. Webster, and Jack Derosier.
Join the Zoom Meeting by clicking here or by phone at (929) 205-6099 (USA NY) with meeting code 995 8316 2054 and passcode 607316.
For the most current CDC recommendations relating to COVID-19, please visit their website.
Worship Service – 10:00 AM EST
Every Sunday, we share half of our undesignated plate offerings with an organization that works toward our UU values. In May, half of the undesignated funds in the plate will go to Bangor Pride. Bangor Pride is a week-long series of events held on the third week of June to support and celebrate the LGBTQ+ community. It is organized by Health Equity Alliance. Bangor Pride 2023 will have a parade and festival on Saturday, June 24 in Downtown Bangor.
You can find out more about Bangor Pride 2023 here.