Worship Service – July 30, 2023
~ How We Belong ~
Now that we are at the end of her six-month role as UUSB‘s sabbatical minister, Rev. Rebecca Liberty will offer some reflections, including reflections shared with her by UUSB members, on community, diversity, and her time with UUSB.
This week’s service will be lead by Rev. Rebecca Liberty, Phyllis Havens, and Ben Goff. Music will be provided by guest musician Amy Irish.
Join the Zoom Meeting with meeting code 925 2807 6759 and passcode 019698.
For the most current CDC recommendations relating to COVID-19, please visit their website.
Worship Service – 10:00 AM EST
This month, half of the undesignated funds in our plate collection will go to support Health Equity Alliance (HEAL). Their mission is to create a world in which all people are valued and celebrated and health disparities such as HIV, Hepatitis C, and AIDS-related deaths are nonexistent. They facilitate collaboration, education, advocacy, and action for marginalized communities to improve their health and well-being and affect social and cultural change.
For more information, visit https://www.
In June, we shared our plate with the UUSB Food Security Programs.