Worship Service – February 7, 2021
10:00 AM - 11:30 AMZoom
“All Society Worship: Beloved Community”
In referring to our congregation, we UUSB’ers often use the term “beloved community,” but what does that mean and how does that related to the many divisions we feel in our country? In this week’s All Society Worship, we will explore this theme with story, discussion and activity.
This service will be led by Rev. Drew Moeller and Karen Childs, with Jennifer Rodriguez as our Zoom tech, and music provided by Molly J. Webster and Sojourner Hodges-Crowley.
Grab a coffee and get comfy with our comm-UU-nity!
After the service, there will be break out groups for Fellowship Hour.
To join this Zoom service, please contact the office at uubangor@gmail.com to be added to our newsletter or keep an eye out for our newsletter posted on the UUSB Facebook page on Thursday afternoons, with Sunday morning reminders at 9:00 AM on Sunday.