Worship Service – Blue Holiday – December 20, 2020
06:00 PM - 07:30 PMZoom
“Blue Holiday”
The winter holidays are full of happiness and joy for many. For others, however, the holidays can be a time of great sadness, especially for people who are struggling with a sense of loss or major life changes. Join Rev. Drew and Phyllis Havens, as we offer a more somber service to hold the sadness and awkwardness that the winter holidays sometimes hold. This special evening service will take place at 6 PM via Zoom.
This service will be lead by Rev. Drew, with Phyllis Havens as our worship associate, and Laurie Cartier as our Zoom tech. Music will be provided by Molly J. Webster and Sojourner Hodges-Crowley.
After the service, there will be break out groups for Fellowship Hour.
To join this Zoom service, please contact the office at uubangor@gmail.com to be added to our newsletter or keep an eye out for our newsletter posted on the UUSB Facebook page on Thursday afternoons, with Sunday morning reminders at 9:00 AM on Sunday.