UUSB Shawl Ministry

Facilitator: Cathy Elliott

UUSB’s Shawl Ministry began in March 2005, inspired by the original Shawl Ministry created by Janet Bristow and Victoria Galo in 1998. Shawls are knit or crocheted and given to members of our congregation, friends, and family members, who need support. Shawls are given for joyous occasions, in times of sorrow or illness, to say thank you, or to celebrate a life transition. Shawls are created with intention and mindfulness, putting love, good wishes, and healing energy into each stitch, so that the recipient is wrapped in the caring arms of our congregation. The design of the shawls varies, but is often in repeats of stitches in groups of three, a number that is symbolic or sacred in many religions and cultures. There is also symbolism in the colors of the shawls, and each shawl is blessed with an appropriate prayer or poem. As of November 2015, we have presented over 475 shawls.

We welcome new members, whether experienced knitters and crocheters or beginners, at any time. We gather once a month to work on shawls, chat, and bless shawls that are ready to be presented. Our stash of yarn, in a cupboard in the Dorothy Memorial Hall, provides further inspiration as we weave together the fiber of our community.

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