Contact info
(207) 947-7009
120 Park Street
Bangor ME 04401
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Facilitator: Rev. Andrew Moeller
Weekly Insight Meditation Group
(Online & In Person)
When: Tuesday evenings, 5:30 – 7 pm
(check UUSB online calendar for any changes to schedule) https://uubangor.
Where: Unitarian Universalist Society of Bangor,
120 Park Street, Bangor (in person)
Join us weekly for meditation instruction with certified mindfulness meditation teacher Rev. Drew Moeller.
This meditation group is accessible to meditators of all experience levels, including people new to meditation. The
program consists of walking and sitting meditation, a short Dhamma lesson, and group discussion. The group
dynamics focus on learning at your own pace in a supportive, friendly, and non-judgmental atmosphere.
Newcomers are always welcome. First-time attendees and those wishing more detailed instruction are asked to arrive
at 5:30 pm for a brief introduction to sitting and walking meditation. Regular participants arrive a few minutes early
so that the group can start promptly at 5:45 pm.
Those wishing to join online should email Rev. Drew directly or contact the UU Society of Bangor office to be added
to the email list to receive the weekly Zoom link.
Please get in touch with Rev. Drew Moeller directly if you have questions regarding the group at
This program is free of charge to everyone. If one wishes to make a free-will offering (Dana) to the group, one can do so in person by
donating in our Dana basket or mailing checks to UUSB 120 Park Street, Bangor, ME 04401. Please include “Meditation Group” in the
memo/notes line or donate online by clicking here.
All are welcome!